Mexico is an industrial country. Over the years, automotive, aerospace and manufacture companies have built a strong economic source. Many cities in the center and north of Mexico allocate a number of their spaces to industrial parks.
The actual overview of the aerospace industry
A few weeks ago we shared with you an article that explains a bit more why Mexico is the best option for investment in the industrial sector and an example of the most important city for the industrial real estate in the north.
Besides from that, according to the Mexican Federation of Aerospace Industry (FEMIA), the growth in this sector will have a continuous increase of 11% from 2018 until 2023. This due to the actual concentration of the activity in North America.
FEMIA’s President Luis Lizcano exposed that with the National Program of Provider’s Development it can be detected which companies have technical, technological, human and financial capabilities to compete and impulse the industrial sector exportations. Besides that, it helps to negotiate economic support for them.
President Lizcano mentioned that the closure of exportations this year will be around 14% percent over 2017’s grand total. With this also came the creation of 60 thousand new jobs. Also the construction of 340 brand new installations in different states of the republic.
How fast is your company growing?
According to ProMéxico there are 300 companies in the country in the aerospace industry; that represents a growth of this industry by 500% in the last decade. There is no doubt that now is the best moment for the aerospace sector. Companies from all around the world are growing and searching for new places to expand and reach to more people. So don’t hesitate! If you’re looking for a new place to establish your company, contact us! To get more info, visit: http://pimsa.prospectodigital.mx/