PIMSA’s headquarters in Mexicali, Baja California
MEXICALI INDUSTRIAL PARK (PIMSA) is a privately-owned company developed during the beginning of the Maquiladora Industrial Program.
We appreciate and understand your goal: to make a quality product at a competitive cost. Our services go well beyond, providing an industrial building that can fit your needs, as well as guidance through U.S.A and Mexico Customs, tax programs (IMMEX), government incentives, and connect you to legal advisers to incorporate your company in Mexico, as a turnkey service.
We are prepared to visit you at your facility or invite you to visit us at a convenient time; be assured that we provide a safe, proven way of Cost Production-Cost Reduction to your company.
Create a standard model for companies, as well as to maintain a positive labor environment through a tenant-industrial park human resource program. Support companies in all aspects of their operation on a continuous basis.
Our services go well beyond those of a tenant-park relationship.